Be 10x faster, how to launch an MVP in 90 days

David Hampton

At Agency R, our path has been enriched by collaborations with numerous founders and product owners, each bringing their unique vision and challenges. As we watch winter linger in Helsinki and anticipate the Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, with the Lunar New Year celebrations just behind us, it's time for our annual reflection.

In previous years, my blog posts have been a blend of Agency R's yearly activities and my personal musings. This year, I've decided to focus solely on the most pressing topic that has occupied my thoughts – perhaps the most significant professional hurdle I've faced to date. And it's important to note, we don't have all the answers; if you do, we're eager to hear from you!

Agency R's mission is to craft innovative digital solutions that resonate with a wide audience, enduring in relevance and impact. We remind ourselves of this goal often, though I half-joke that someone might toss something at me for repeating it! It's an ambitious, almost unreachable dream, and we've realized it's even more challenging than we initially thought. The critical question we constantly ask ourselves is: "Are we creating something that can be truly impactful?"

For Agency R to succeed and fulfill our mission, we need to continuously innovate and improve, creating not just new digital solutions but also enhancing our existing ones. Just focusing on one aspect isn't sufficient – our goal is to excel in both. It's an intimidating challenge, but as one of our team members recently said, we either find a way to accomplish this, or we reconsider our mission. We still firmly believe in our mission, so let's move forward with determination!

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